Monday, April 29, 2013

The Price for Another Kid

An American woman in Britain with three adopted kids wanted to adopt another, but was denied. She then bought sperm from a company in Denmark to artifially inseminate her fourteen year old daughter. After many failed attempts, the daughter finally got pregnant, only to have a miscarriage. The mother wanted to have a fourth child to raise herself. The daughter, "A," said she thought, "If I do this... maybe she will love me more." The young girl ended up giving birth at the age of seventeen to a boy. The hospital nurses noticced that the mother was acting very strange, not letting the girl breastfeed, and officers were called to investigate. The children were taken in to foster care and the mother is spending five years in jail.

Monday, April 22, 2013

11 People Kidnapped by Taliban

On Monday, April 22nd, a helicopter carrying engineers near Kabul, Afghanistan had to land unexpectedly due to poor weather, and the people got kidnapped by the Taliban. The engineers were supposed to go to an American base, but had to land in Logar Province, which is run by the Taliban. An official in Afghanistan says, "It's a lot of people to take hostage...It gives the Taliban bargaining chips." People are worried that the engineers might be taken to Pakistan, which was about 20 minutes from Logar Province. The Taliban sent a message to media saying, "US-NATO Chopper falls into hands of Mujahedeen, all passangers detained." They have taken full responsibility of the kidnapping but there has been no word on what will happen to the engineers.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pakistan Explosion

A suicide explosion that was objected towards the Awami National Party in Peshawar, Pakistan killed at least 15 people and injured nearly 50. The person responsible had blown himself up by the leader of the group's car. Haroon Bilaur had left his car to speak to civilians when he and his uncle experienced the bomb. His uncle has minor injuries. Most of the others injured were brought to a hospital in critical condition. The ANP has been targeted before because they criticize the Taliban. Another of Haroon Bilaur's uncles got killed last December by a blast as well in Peshawar.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monkeys Learning to Talk?

Scientists have found a species of monkey in Ethiopia that make noises similar to the vocals of humans. Geladas, a close specias to the baboon, make a noise that sounds something like a yodel and a baby babbling. They supposedly share the same speaking techniques as humans do, and scientists are thinking they are revealing more about human speech origins. Most monkeys don't have the speaking structure as humans, even though they have the same facial movements as we do. Doctor Thore Bergman says "These primates can do the complex mouth movement and vocalise at the same time."

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Paranormal Activity 13: Prank or Real Thing?

After play practice on April 1st, Kelly Leonard was getting ready to leave school when she heard a noise down the hall from her locker. Taking advice from all the scary movies she has seen, she went to the noise, which turned out to be Courtney Demmin shutting her locker. They then heard another noise coming from the lunch room. They went in there because they were hungry and wanted cheese fries, but saw something that made them lose their appetite. Standing in the corner of the lunch room, was a little girl holding a human head. The little girl crawled towards them....
The next morning, no one knows where the two girls went. As usual, the cameras are checked, but strangly, nothing unusual was shown on them. To this day, the girls have not shown up and no one knows where they are....