Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What's going to happen in 2013?

I don't think the world is going to end on December 21, 2012 so in 2013, there is going to be a baby boom. I think that technology will continue to advance and there will be newer versions of the iPhone and everyone will have one. Though technology on the rise may be a good thing, I believe that fast food will also be on the rise and people will become more lazy and fat than they already are. People are going to be spending less time working and spending time exercising or being outside and spend more time using technology like watching movies, going on facebook, or using their cell phones.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas shopping gone bad

Many people who were christmas shopping on December 11th wouldn't have thought anything could go wrong, but near Portland, Oregon Kristina Shevchenko, along with two others, were shot in a shopping mall. The shooter also shot himself and Kristina is the only one that lived. Her brother wrote a facebook status about his 15 year old sister the night of the shooting: "As of now she is stable and sleeping....she will need two more operations." The bullet did not hit her ribs but bruised a lung. The shooter didn't know any of the victims but just wanted to shoot people. There have been previous shootings at and near the mall so police were ready to go and got there within 20 minutes of the shootings.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Alzheimer's Cure?

If money can be provided, workers and scientist are coming up with a medicine that could slow or even stop completely Alzheimer's disease. It's a disease that attacks the brain and causes memory loss for short or long periods of time. The medicine will hopefully be ready in three to five years. Next year will begin the studies of trying to put a stop to the disease. Although the process of making vaccines and medicines is very expensive, scientists and lab workers are confident that the medicine can work. By 2050, Alzheimer's disease is antisipating to grow greatly. Right now, 5.4 million people are suffering from Alzheimer's disease and by 2050, it will be up to 16 million.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bounce houses becoming dangerous

Injuries from bounce houses have grown 1500% from 1995 to 2010. Bounce houses are very popular for picnics, parties, and more, but the injuries are growing rapidly. On average, 31 children were being brought to hospitals around the United States each day for bounce house related injuries in 2010. More than 1/3 of the children brought in were under the age of five. Safety warnings and cautions are posted on the bounce house websites and on the bounce houses themselves, but that doesn't stop kids from bouncing or parents from letting their kids bounce. Most injuries are arm or leg injuries, but hte younger the kid, the worse the injuries could be. Some are as bad as neck or head injuries.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Homecoming King

Hakam Daley is a senior at St. Lucie West Centennial High School in Port St. Lucie, Florida. He was nominated to be on homecoming court for his school, but it wasn't something he was expecting to happen. Hakam has cerebral palsy, which caused him to go to many different foster homes. Most people would think a boy with cerebral palsy wouldn't have many friends but that's the exact opposite for Daley. A cheerleader who is a close friend of is, asked many seniors to vote for Daley to be on court and when he won king, he did something that never happened before, he walked in public to get his crown with the help of some people.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rare whales found on beach

In 2010, a mother and a whale calf were washed up on shore in New Zealand. Scientists didn't think it was anything at the time, but during further DNA testing, dicovered the whales were a very rare species. The spade-toothed beaked whale has never fully been seen by a person until then. There have been skulls of spade-toothed beaked whales found in New Zealand and Chile, but have never been seen alive. They supposadly have similar behavior to other whales and dive deep down for their food, like squid and other fish. Scientists buried them in the sand in 2010 after they collected DNA but after the tests were performed, they were dug back up for further research.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Babies Being Evacuated

260 hospital patients had to be evacuated out of a New York hospital on Monday, October 29th, due to Superstorm Sandy. The hospital's lower floors were beginning to flood and between 7:00 and 7:45 p.m. the lights went out. Some patients had to be carried down 15 levels in order to evacuate because the elevators weren't working. The hospital staff didn't expect to have to evacuate patients so they were not prepared. Newborn babies had to be evacuated and four were put on respirators because they couldn't breathe on their own. The hospital had few lights on, so the staff had to work with only flashlights, pumping air into babies lungs. By 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, the evacuation was over and the patients were transported to other hospitals.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Missing Girl Found Dead in Recyling

12 year old Autumn Pasquale of Gloucester County, New Jersey was found dead in a recycling container. She went missing on Saturday, October 20th and was found Monday, October 22nd. An official says "Gloucester County is one of the safest counties in the state of New Jersey." The house that Autumn was found near was a couple blocks away from where she lived, but the police have no leads or suspects. Autumn's school canceled Spirit Week and some parents kept their children home when she was missing. The Mayer, Thomas Biaanco, says "You hear about it in other places but never think it would happen in our little town." Children are not aloud to play outside alone anymore.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Death Row for South Dakota Man

On April 12, 2011, 50 year old Eric Robert was found guilty of killing a prison guard while trying to escape. He said he would kill again, so asked to be put to death. He will be lethal injected on Monday at 10:00 p.m. This is South Dakota's first execution in 5 years and only the second in more than 50 years. Robert was issued 80 years in prison for kidnapping when he and a fellow mate tried to escape. They beat the prison guard with a pipe, the Robert put on the guards' clothes and the other one hid in a box. They tried leaving the gate but guards became suspicious and caught them.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Meningitis Deaths Climb

Meningitis broke out in the United States on September 25 due to an infected steriod shot. Ten states have reported an overall of 124 people who have been diagnosed with meningitis, the most resent being Florida. There have been deaths in Tennessee, Michigan, Virginia, Florida, and Maryland, cases have also been found in Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio, New Jersey, and North Carolina. More than 13,000 people got the steriod shot, which is like a pain reliever and helps other infections. Meningitis infects the membranes and covers the brain and spinal cord. People who contract meningitis suffer from headaches, nausea, and fever. Although it is not contagious, people keep getting it from the shot.    http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/10/us-usa-health-meningitis-idUSBRE8970TQ20121010

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Man eaten by his hogs

A farmer near Riverton, Oregon went out to feed his hogs one morning and died. A relative went out to see what was taking so long a few hours later and said that all he found were the farmer's fake teeth and a few pieces of his body, he had been eaten by his hogs. Officials don't know how this happened or what position he was in that they could eat him. Did he have a heart attack and fall? Was he knocked down by the hogs? It appeared that the body had been greatly overcome by the hogs, some of which were up to 700 pounds.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

More suicide bombing

There have been more suicide car bombings and gun battles in the Syrian capital. There have been more than 5 deaths, one including an Iranian reporter. There were explosions around 7:00 a.m. September 26th, all within 10 minutes apart, targeting for the Syrian military. A camera illustrates a white van driving in the capital then exploding. Military men swapped gun fire for over three hours, witnesses say. At least 14 people, military officials and others, have been wounded. An Iranian English reporter was on the phone during a live broadcast, the line went silent, and he was shot and killed.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Killings in Kabul

Tuesday, September 18th, 12 people died in Afghanistan because of a suicide bomber, and maybe more. The suicide bombing was most likely a retaliation to a video posted on the internet that mocked the Prophet Muhammad. A woman was the one who was driving the “bomb” vehicle, which is very rare in Afghanistan. 22 year old, Fatima, offered to be the suicide bomber. A spokesman for Islamic militant group, Haroon Zarghoon, said there is bound to be more attacks because of the video. Suicide bombing mainly occurs in the capital and is blamed on al-Qaida and the Taliban, but now, because of the video, there will be more in Afghanistan.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Last 7 words written by a 9/11 victim coming out from the past

In August of 2011, Denise Scott and her daughters were presented with a note that was written by Randy Scott, husband and father. The note had just seven words, “84th floor, West Office, 12 people trapped,” It was thrown out the window, in hopes someone would find it and help them. A bank guard was going to give it to authorities but then the buildings collapsed. “The minute I saw it I didn’t need a DNA test, I saw the handwriting. It’s Randy’s handwriting.” Wife, Denise, said when she saw it. The note had a spot of blood on it. Today, the letter is displayed at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum for people to look at.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Boo Boo getting hot and Famous

Boo Boo, a baby black bear, was rescued from an Idaho wildfire last week by firefighters trying to control the blaze. The firefighters found him on a trail and Boo Boo franticly ran up a tree even though his paws were burned. Boo Boo was 23 pounds when he was rescued and had no mother, the Idaho Humane Society doesn’t know whether to put him back in the wild or keep him in a zoo. The Humane Society said that people all over the country have been asking how he is doing and want to send money for his operations and food for him. He is doing a lot better and his burns are healing very well.